The Misfits
Designer unknown, 1961
screenprint, 100 x 70 cm (framed)
The Misfits was the last completed film for both Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe. Despite on-set difficulties, Gable, Monroe, Montgomery Clift and Eli Wallach delivered performances that modern critics consider superb. Many critics regard Gable’s performance as his finest, and Gable, after seeing the rough cuts, agreed. Monroe received the 1961 Golden Globe Award as “World Film Favorite” in March 1962.
The film was written by Arthur Miller as a love offering to his then wife, Monroe. Their marriage did not last much beyond the making of the film. Miller went on to marry renowned photographer Inge Morath, who he met on set.
Magnum Photos had numerous staff photographers, including Morath, Ernst Haas and Eve Arnold assigned to document the making of The Misfits. Their photos were used in the making of this poster.
This poster was used for the Canadian release of the film.