My artwork aims to examine the experience of kink from the perspective of a queer and gender non-conforming individual, including safe practices for those who have experienced sexual trauma.
The material used in the work is cotton weave fabric, often used in decor and garment construction. This has been covered with layers of monoprinting and hand sewing. Using fabric and sewing techniques links the work to womanhood, or femininity, domesticity and “softness”. The rope in traditional Shibari practices is made of Jute. Jute is often woven into garments with cotton to create soft, light and breathable materials.
My aim for this work is to invite the viewer to challenge and examine their preconceptions about kink practices, and furthermore about women, gender and sexuality. I ask viewers to reflect on the meaning of the words soft, hard and feminine. I further invite viewers to reflect on how kink culture, frequently categorised as dangerous or taboo, has the ability to help heal trauma, regain feelings of safety in oneself and interpersonal relationships.
Using Shibari as my Kink reference in this work highlights how the practise can be platonic and non-sexual. Approaching Shibari in this way enables individuals to grow and heal in an intimate space, whilst establishing and having their boundaries respected.
I would like to thank Eb @the_forest_nymph_ and Sage, @art_of_herb_ for their contribution of a suspension they photographed to create this work.