Home » WHAT’S ON » ‘tRADition’ — Amy Sargeant and Nicholas

Gallery open 12-6pm TH FR SA SU

Join us for opening drinks 4-6pm Saturday 4



Like the flag we fly for World Pride, the art-making world is a spectrum of approaches, beliefs and techniques. Amy Sargeant and Nicholas are both queer artists exploring what this means in today’s Australia. But their very different approaches and choice of media makes this exhibition an exploration of opposites and oppositions.

Nicholas is an artist that’s fallen off the tracks. Years ago he would’ve classed himself as a Portrait Painter but the thought of picking up a brush now makes him violently ill. Instead of painting Nicholas has turned to pencils, textas, watercolour and pads and pads of paper making not quite sure what but enjoying the journey to who knows where.’

This is how Nicholas (modestly) describes himself. We’re glad to say that we have been able to snag a couple of those paintings for this show. We think they’re rather fine! And those pads and pads of paper? We have some of the wonderful end products — gorgeous, witty and fun, and just waiting to go home with you.


Amy Sargeant describes herself as a queer activist artist and noise maker. For her the personal is most definitely the political, and she calls for both queer folk and queer allies to ‘be active (radical) rather than passive actors in the fight for queer liberation’.

Nicholas, ‘B.F.B.’ 2020
120 x 120 cm, oil on canvas, unframed

Amy Sargeant, ‘I Moved On’, 2017
119 x 310 cm,
A0 archival prints on poster card stock,
unframed, sold as a triptych

Amy Sargeant, ‘Anthem’, 2020
16:9 HD video, stereo audio, 00:13:23