‘Dance for the Harvest Sky’ – $150
2024, watercolour and coloured pencil on paper, 29 x 18.8 cm

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My art practice explores the sentimental and subjective aspects of life involving the human figure(s). I focus on the human experience and the intimacy of feelings in my work. These are achieved with the subject matter of the figure and the surrounding setting depicted in the artworks. The figures convey a sense of narrative in my works to reflect a sentimental, contemplative feeling. Influenced by works of Surrealism, they allow me to explore the dreamlike and fantastical sensibilities to the works I create. Focusing on the exploration of emotions and feelings has been an important aspect of my art practice. Using techniques from drawing and exploring different mediums, they add to the quality of the subjective aspects of art in which observes one’s inner self and how they express it with their body language. Exploring the figure in my art practice allows me to explore the subconscious and the emotional aspects of the human condition.

See more of Kenny’s work @iamthek3n or on his website