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We’re going to Sydney Contemporary 2024!

This is very exciting for us. The first big outing for Tiliqua Tiliqua.

We will be in booth B14 in the Paper Room. Drop by and you will find Kate and Felix, as well as the amazing artists Marco Luccio, Ro Murray, Michelle Connolly, Katika Schultz, Fiona Ferguson and Brigitta Summers in booth  B14 in the Paper Room. We will be showcasing so many wonderful works on paper, so much variety of works on paper. And of course, the Paper Room is the place to be at Sydney Contemporary. In our (not so humble opinion) that is where all the good stuff is.

We will also be showcasing works from some of the other fabulous artists who are regulars in the gallery including Jennifer Burns, Carol Muller, Yori Price and Andrew Ensor.

You can find out more about what we are going to showing here.

See you at the Paper Room, Sydney Contemporary 2024!

Spaces are filling fast

We still have exhibition slots available for the second half of 2025, but they are filling fast! (Which obviously make us very happy.)

If you are thinking of holding an exhibition at Tiliqua Tiliqua, please read about the process here. You don’t have to pay a deposit until six months before your exhibition, so even if you aren’t sure now is the time to reserve a slot. We are also happy to put you on a waiting list, as people do pull out.

We are very happy to answer any questions you have, just give us a hoy!

Artists reveal all this Sunday!*

Last days to catch ‘Part of Us’ and ‘Under the Rainbow, Together’

Our fabulous, colourful, kinky exhibitions celebrating World Pride are coming to an end, but they are not leaving quietly! Join us in the gallery for a free event where artists Rae Boggs, Jeni Mulvey and Sage Blake Rivers discuss and explore their work.

Artists’ Talk and Closing Drinks — 3-4pm Sunday March 3

*metaphorically speaking in this instance

Let’s make it Magenta

Tiliqua Tiliqua is nearly two years old! We’re calling artists to help us celebrate with our Annual Exhibition. This year the theme is the colour Magenta, which should make for a very uplifting show.

This is an open call out, anyone can submit work. Just read the information, put your happy music on and make art!

(Info and submission forms are here.)


Bring your pencils and paper to Tiliqua Tiliqua on Monday 5 February for the very first (of many, we hope) life drawing session in the gallery. Experienced life model Marija will be posing for us. The new air conditioning will be installed. Let’s open some wine, start drawing and enjoy ourselves creatively!

Spaces are limited to 15 people. So book your place now.

Hello 2024

2023 was an extraordinary year of growth and learning for us here at Tiliqua Tiliqua. We would like to thank all the artists and art lovers who have made it such a fun and rewarding time.

But now it is 2024. As I write this we have thirty (30!!) exhibitions booked in, so get ready for some amazing art.

We kick off on the first of February with ‘Dark Alphabet’ from long-term gallery friend, Matthew da Silva. Then we welcome guest curator Sage Blake Rivers and two provocative shows to coincide with World Pride 2024. We are also very excited to announce that February will see the first of our Life Drawing in the Gallery sessions.

Stay tuned to hear more about all these events, and the 28 other offerings we have in store. See you soon!

We want to show your work!

There are three group exhibitions in the pipeline for Tiliqua Tiliqua. Submissions are now open for artists who want to take part.

First up is the Small Works Show 2023, our ‘last minute Xmas shopping’ exhibition. A chance for making some fun, accessible art!

We are working with artist and curator Sage Blake Rivers to create two exciting shows to celebrate World Pride 2024: ‘Part of Us’ and ‘Under the Rainbow, Together’.

All these shows are open to everyone who wants to take part, just have a good read of the information on the relevant pages. And contact us if you need any further  help.

Welcome back Nectarios!

One of our favourite painters is back with a fabulous new series of some of the most extraordinarily affordable art you will ever see.

With ‘Abstracticus’ Nectarios is exploring (and playing with) the joy and meaning of colour. This is one of those shows where it is almost impossible to choose a favourite painting. Here are a few of mine, but why don’t you check out the show and see what you think!

And join Nectarios for drinks and nibbles in the gallery Thursday 5 October from 6 to 9 pm.

‘See Through’
‘Road Less Travelled’
‘Fallen Houses’

Not yet a ruin

After our brief break we’re back with a truly enchanting exhibition – Not yet a ruin.

Andrew Ensor has been exploring castles as a visual motif for more than 20 years. This, his 37th(!) solo exhibition, is a retrospective bringing these delicate and dreamlike drawings together. His pieces, softly merging pen and paint, present a romanticised, yet fragile view of the world while exploring the aesthetics of entropy.

Drop by the gallery to experience these richly coloured worlds of surreal landscapes and architectural compositions, telling intricate stories of grandeur, fragility and timelessness.

Drinks with Andrew in the gallery 2–7pm Saturday September 23