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We want your artworks!

The end of the year is approaching fast, and so is our final open call group show for 2024.

We are looking for small works, works that would make great Christmas presents! That’s all there is to the brief (it’s a brief brief). So if you think this sounds like something you can do, click on the link and read on. We are looking forward to having your work in the gallery.

Small Works Show 2024 Information

Artists reveal all this Sunday!*

Last days to catch ‘Part of Us’ and ‘Under the Rainbow, Together’

Our fabulous, colourful, kinky exhibitions celebrating World Pride are coming to an end, but they are not leaving quietly! Join us in the gallery for a free event where artists Rae Boggs, Jeni Mulvey and Sage Blake Rivers discuss and explore their work.

Artists’ Talk and Closing Drinks — 3-4pm Sunday March 3

*metaphorically speaking in this instance

Let’s make it Magenta

Tiliqua Tiliqua is nearly two years old! We’re calling artists to help us celebrate with our Annual Exhibition. This year the theme is the colour Magenta, which should make for a very uplifting show.

This is an open call out, anyone can submit work. Just read the information, put your happy music on and make art!

(Info and submission forms are here.)

We want to show your work!

There are three group exhibitions in the pipeline for Tiliqua Tiliqua. Submissions are now open for artists who want to take part.

First up is the Small Works Show 2023, our ‘last minute Xmas shopping’ exhibition. A chance for making some fun, accessible art!

We are working with artist and curator Sage Blake Rivers to create two exciting shows to celebrate World Pride 2024: ‘Part of Us’ and ‘Under the Rainbow, Together’.

All these shows are open to everyone who wants to take part, just have a good read of the information on the relevant pages. And contact us if you need any further  help.

From birds to plants with budlife

This week we are moving about as far as we can from the (crazy) stereotype of the sterile, white, quiet, art gallery environment.

budlife are launching issue 5 of their magazine with art, plants, zines, demonstrations, floral arrangements and bonsai. Then over the weekend there will be a fair with stalls selling all kind of plant related things. It is going to be an action-packed green-thumbed week!

Gallery open 12–7pm Th & Fri, 10am–6pm Sa & Su

Art-Zine-Plant Fair 11am–4pm Sa & Su

one door closes… but our doors are open!

We are so glad the judges of the Archibald, Wynne and Sulman prizes have made it possible for us to feature this amazing work at Tiliqua Tiliqua.

Featuring work from four of our favourite artists — Jennifer Mullen, Louise Beck, Dilara Niriella and Nectarios Livisianos — this is our very own Salon des Refusés. Unfortunately we can’t offer any of them a big prize, but we can offer you some gorgeous art to look at, or even own.

All the details and a preview of the paintings are here.

Join us for drinks with the artists from 6–8 pm Tuesday June 6.

Gallery open 12–6pm Th-Sa & 12–4pm Su till June 19

Don’t miss the CYAN exhibition…

We’ve made it easier for you by extending the show till Sunday May 7. So come in and enjoy all the great art, pick up a present for the mother in your life (or just yourself) and, if you drop by on the last day, have a drink with us.

See you there, you’ll be glad you came!

CYAN is here!

We are so excited to bring you our inaugural annual group show — CYAN.

Featuring many of the artists who have made our first year in the gallery so enjoyable, this exhibition is a celebration of the colour blue. And it truly is a celebration! The artists have responded to the theme with playful, joyful and moving artworks across an impressive range of mediums. All at a convenient size and price too.

Please come and help us mark the first anniversary of our first show in the Tiliqua Tiliqua gallery. Because the only people as important to us as the artists who have contributed, is fantastic art-loving folk who have supported us and joined us on our journey. See you at the party on Saturday 20 April!

(Or drop by anytime the gallery is open, we can probably rustle up a drink…)


CYAN — call for submissions

We are excited to announce the first Tiliqua Tiliqua Annual Exhibition!

The theme for 2023 is the colour Cyan. Artworks can be in any physical medium as long as they are smaller than 40 x 40 x 40 cm.

Submissions are now open. Contact us to discuss your participation.

Artworks should be small to medium in size — no larger than 40 x 40 cm (including frame) for 2D pieces or 40 x 40 x 40 cm for 3D pieces.