how does tiliqua tiliqua gallery work?

Tiliqua Tiliqua is a small, elegant but friendly exhibition space established in 2022 by Felix Oppen and Kate Riley.

We are an Artist Run Initiative (or ARI if you are into acronyms). This means we are artists ourselves, not professional gallerists. We are here for anyone wanting to use our space to exhibit their artwork, launch their album/typeface/book, run a workshop or for any other creative endeavour*.

We don’t take any commission on sales, just a flat fee for using the gallery. This does mean that anyone using the space is responsible for looking after it, in other words you need to be in the gallery while it is open to the public.

If Tiliqua Tiliqua sounds just the place you are looking for, check availability in the calendar and click on the links below for lots more helpful information.

gallery availability

Gallery bookings run Tuesday to Monday. Available dates are shown in white.

< September 2024 >
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
            1Printmakers Show all day
2Printmakers Show all day
3CLOSED - Sydney Contemporary Week all day
4CLOSED - Sydney Contemporary Week all day
5CLOSED - Sydney Contemporary Week all day
6CLOSED - Sydney Contemporary Week all day
7CLOSED - Sydney Contemporary Week all day
8CLOSED - Sydney Contemporary Week all day
9CLOSED - Sydney Contemporary Week all day
10TB all day
11TB all day
12TB all day
13TB all day
14TB all day
15TB all day
16TB all day
17JP & AT all day
18JP & AT all day
19JP & AT all day
20JP & AT all day
21JP & AT all day
22JP & AT all day
23JP & AT all day
24EM & SO all day
25EM & SO all day
26EM & SO all day
27EM & SO all day
28EM & SO all day
29EM & SO all day
30EM & SO all day

*limited only by your imagination, current laws (including the laws of physics) and ethical considerations.